Strategic Management Software
Improves Strategy Execution
Unfortunately the traditional, wordy, unpictorial strategic plan does not achieve this as it is seldom reviewed and rapidly becomes out of date. StrategyBlocks works by turning the strategic plan into a dynamic visual strategy dashboard and collaborative strategy map.
With the inclusion of a scorecard, displaying those key metrics needed to monitor key business processes, we can build up a complete business map for strategic management. Most importantly we encourage the involvement of those responsible for executing strategy, your people. StrategyBlocks improves the communication of strategy across the business and drives improved results.
By working with leading organizations we understand the challenges of strategy management. We have created four steps to improve the chances of a successful strategy that creates lasting value.
Map objectives and break down strategy, making it more granular and rich (top down)
Create a collaborative, dynamic planning environment (bottom up)
Align the organization by linking control activities to strategic plan and encourage ownership and accountability
Link progress, value, key performance indicators (KPI’s) and risk for a complete picture of strategic health
Strategy Mapping Software
for Better Communication
StrategyBlocks is a software as a service (SaaS) platform for executing strategy, strategic management and mapping; breaking high level objectives into tactics, linking elements of the strategy to relevant metrics, and establishing the true value of strategic initiatives.
StrategyBlocks is the result of over 20 years’ experience in the performance management software market and 3 years of development. Trial StrategyBlocks for 30 days with no obligation and assess for yourself if it could help your organization improve its strategic management and execution.
Most organizations have one opportunity to successfully execute a major new strategy, make sure it is given the greatest opportunity to succeed through complete enterprise strategic management.