Unlocking Strategic Success: The 6 Dimensions of Strategy Model
Are you struggling to create a strategic plan that truly drives results? Many organizations fall short, often focusing solely on the “what” of strategy, neglecting the crucial “how.”
In this video, Craig, co-founder of StrategyBlocks, talks us through the 6 Dimensions of Strategy Model, a framework that brings clarity and actionability to strategic planning.
Think of it like a well-organized library. The model’s first three dimensions, like the library’s shelves and filing system, lay the foundation for your strategy’s design and interpretation. However, the real magic lies in the next three dimensions: the books themselves, representing the practical steps for successful execution.
This powerful model helps you:
🎯Clarify your vision and mission and cascade them down into actionable steps.
🎯Identify strategic focus areas that align with your company’s culture and values.
🎯Unleash the creative potential of your team through ideation and collaborative problem-solving.
🎯Establish tangible metrics for tracking progress and measuring success.
🎯Proactively manage risk to mitigate potential threats to your plan.
To see the framework in action and learn how to overcome strategic roadblocks, watch the video below! You’ll discover practical strategies for building a resilient and impactful plan.
If you’d like to try modeling your business plan sign up for a free 30-day trial or schedule an online demonstration to chat with us, so we can help you achieve your strategic goals.
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