About Caroline Wall

Marketing & Communications Manager, StrategyBlocks

Corporate Strategy at Every Level – What Role do You Play?

By |2022-11-02T11:34:36+13:00September 29th, 2021|Strategy planning, Transformational Strategic Execution|

Corporate Strategy at Every Level - What Role do You Play? We talk often about how the C-suite and business leaders can help steer corporate strategy, and with good reason. The vision and goals for a company start at the top, and creating strategy to meet those goals is an important part of leadership. Strategy [...]

Five Reasons to Improve Strategy Execution Now

By |2022-11-02T12:12:36+13:00August 27th, 2021|Leadership, StrategyBlocks, Transformational Strategic Execution|

Five Reasons to Improve Strategy Execution Now A couple of years ago we shared a brief article on the benefits of strategic planning. We highlighted only a few examples, particularly as it helps internally with company organization and communication. Still today, one of the first questions we are asked is “why should our company have [...]

Navigating Outcome Delivery Plans: The New UK Reporting System

By |2024-06-26T13:08:04+12:00June 24th, 2021|Government, Strategy planning, StrategyBlocks|

Navigating Outcome Delivery Plans: The New UK Reporting System In an effort to improve planning and spending, the British government recently instituted regulations around strategy reporting. The goal, according to the Public Accounts Committee, is to better define how planning and performance information is central to not only ensuring funding, but to proving out the [...]

City Governments: Tips to Secure and Better Managing Grant Funding

By |2022-11-02T09:55:24+13:00April 30th, 2021|Government, Strategy planning, StrategyBlocks|

City Governments: Tips to Secure and Better Managing Grant Funding In March of this year, United States President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), a sweeping stimulus package that offered aid not just to individuals and corporations, but also $360 billion to state and local governments. While this money has [...]

The New Digital Demand: Is Your Company Ready?

By |2022-11-07T12:03:44+13:00March 30th, 2021|Strategic Management Solutions|

The New Digital Demand: Is Your Company Ready? Digital transformation has moved far beyond streamlining business operations. Digital has played a critical role in enhancing the consumer experience and its value has only increased over the last year when the pandemic changed the way so many businesses connect to their customers.  Mary Meeker’s most recent [...]

Three Key Business Initiatives to Implement Now

By |2022-11-07T12:14:34+13:00January 29th, 2021|Culture, Leadership, Strategy planning|

Three Key Business Initiatives to Implement Now The start of a new year always feels fresh with opportunity, especially following a particularly tumultuous year, as we experienced in 2020. While we may not yet be finished enduring the impact of the global pandemic, there is no better time than now to be planning and preparing [...]

Overcoming 2020: Three ways to get your business strategy back on track

By |2022-11-04T09:58:12+13:00December 17th, 2020|Leadership, Strategy planning, StrategyBlocks|

Overcoming 2020: Three ways to get your business strategy back on track December is typically the time where we look ahead and create a plan for the coming year. As the holidays close in, it’s the perfect opportunity to assess what has worked over the course of the last 12 months and what created the [...]

StrategyBlocks new Features Release – November

By |2022-11-07T11:09:25+13:00November 27th, 2020|New Features, StrategyBlocks|

StrategyBlocks new Features Release – November Block Type Selector Buttons Our goal is to continuously innovate and create new ways to make StrategyBlocks more efficient and easy to navigate. Recently, it became apparent that some users didn't realise they could change the look of the block. So we replaced the old block type (face) selector [...]

StrategyBlocks new Features Release – October

By |2022-11-07T11:09:58+13:00November 26th, 2020|New Features, StrategyBlocks|

StrategyBlocks new Features Release – October In the world of StrategyBlocks for a number of years BLUE = GOOD.  There was a good reason for this, red and green is the most common form of color blindness and this presents as a big problem when you are assessing the success or failure of a piece [...]

How to Stay Relevant in Retail Amid Ongoing Change

By |2022-11-02T15:33:53+13:00October 30th, 2020|Business technology news, Strategy planning|

How to Stay Relevant in Retail Amid Ongoing Change The world of retail is no stranger to adaptation. Consumer trends shift like the wind, and retailers of all stripes are hyperfocused on meeting the current needs of their customers, no matter how they might change. That can mean everything from shifting in-store product to adjusting [...]

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