About Craig Catley

Managing Director, StrategyBlocks

Cybersecurity measures advance to combat growing threats

By |2022-11-02T11:37:58+13:00January 27th, 2016|Business technology news|

Cybersecurity measures advance to combat growing threats   Cybersecurity was a top concern for businesses in 2015, and the new year has maintained the momentum in how cybercrime should be approached and prevented. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently announced a collaboration agreement with the USA to create a set of new strategies to better address [...]

Could tech investment overcome CEO trepidation?

By |2022-11-02T11:35:09+13:00January 21st, 2016|Business technology news|

Could tech investment overcome CEO trepidation?   It's no secret how tough it can be to lead a business in the modern commercial era. Increasing globalisation, political uncertainty and complex markets all contribute to a challenging environment for CEOs to navigate. However, technology may be the solution in order to handle the demands of the modern world [...]

3 professionals who will have a major influence on your business in 2016

By |2022-11-01T15:00:59+13:00January 14th, 2016|Strategy planning|

3 Professionals Who Will Have a Major Influence on Your Business in 2016   With the new year in full motion, many business owners and directors will be looking to their top management for innovative ideas and methods of getting ahead in their chosen markets. Here are three leaders who will likely have a growing [...]

Is communication key across the strategic planning process?

By |2022-11-02T15:48:08+13:00December 22nd, 2015|Strategy planning|

Is communication key across the strategic planning process?   The vast majority of companies are aware of how a positive, progressive, forward-looking strategic plan could benefit their operations. However, that isn't to say that all are getting the process right. Many are well experienced with the theory, and may even find it easy to come [...]

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