About Craig Catley

Managing Director, StrategyBlocks

ISO 27001 Certification – From Doubter to Believer

By |2022-11-24T14:15:51+13:00November 24th, 2022|Business technology news, StrategyBlocks|

ISO 27001 Certification - From Doubter to Believer My first ISO experience Early in my technology career I encountered ISO. My employer was compelled to map and document every aspect and process of the business to gain the necessary certification. It was an arduous and lengthy task, and by the end vast numbers of ring [...]

How to Create a Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map

By |2022-11-09T07:29:00+13:00October 28th, 2022|Strategy planning, StrategyBlocks|

How to Create a Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map The “Urgent Requirement” I am sure we can all relate to an urgent request for a report of some description. Given that the primary theme of this month’s newsletter is strategic agility, it was coincidental that a colleague asked me to create a balanced scorecard strategy map [...]

Navigating the Three Phases of Strategic Change

By |2022-11-04T09:42:15+13:00September 29th, 2022|Leadership, Strategy planning, Transformational Strategic Execution|

Navigating the Three Phases of Strategic Change First - The letting go One might consider people to be the hardest thing to change, and corporate culture is often overlooked. It often seems the fundamental DNA of the business will always resist change to process and policy. Culture has a way of pulling the entire enterprise [...]

Feature Focus – August Updates to StrategyBlocks

By |2022-11-02T11:58:58+13:00August 23rd, 2022|New Features, StrategyBlocks|

Feature Focus - August Updates to StrategyBlocks There are a number of new features available in the latest release of StrategyBlocks, let's take a quick look at each one. Deeper Integration to Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) We have enhanced our integration with AAD which now extends past the current Single Sign-on (SSO) capability. This [...]

Strategic Plan Profile Assessment

By |2025-02-21T09:30:00+13:00July 27th, 2022|Government, Higher Education, Strategy planning|

Strategic Plan Profile Assessment At StrategyBlocks, we read, review and model many strategic plans. It is important that we can interpret and understand the plan’s intent quickly. This is the case for other stakeholders with an interest in a business’s strategic direction too. If you are a local government organization, the community has an interest [...]

Feature Focus – StrategyBlocks Integration with Microsoft PowerPoint

By |2022-11-02T12:05:36+13:00June 29th, 2022|New Features, StrategyBlocks|

Feature Focus - StrategyBlocks Integration with Microsoft PowerPoint It seems almost all organizations today are constantly striving for greater strategic transparency and want to share elements of their strategic plan with a wide variety of stakeholders. It could be shared internally or externally (e.g., to the community, customers, students, partners etc.) - and of course [...]

Strategic Dashboarding and the Use of Imagery

By |2022-11-07T09:13:52+13:00April 22nd, 2022|Design, StrategyBlocks|

Strategic Dashboarding and the Use of Imagery A picture is worth a thousand words I am a great fan of including imagery as part of my dashboard design and layouts. When used properly, images can add so much to a visualization; however, many would rather fill any spare white space with another number or a [...]

We can all be Strategic Leaders – Characteristics of Successful Ones

By |2022-11-07T15:16:08+13:00March 30th, 2022|Leadership|

We can all be Strategic Leaders - Characteristics of Successful Ones Visionary or Operator? Following a recent 2021 study by PwC on Harvard Business Review, they recognized some “key characteristics” that were desirable to be a future successful leader. In the past (and perhaps still today), it was common that in the significant majority of [...]

Feature Focus – Nested Custom Fields

By |2022-11-02T12:05:00+13:00February 25th, 2022|New Features, StrategyBlocks|

Feature Focus - Nested Custom Fields Available this month is a feature extension to Custom Fields.  First, let's start with a recap of the purpose of Custom Fields within StrategyBlocks. There will often be times when ‘out-of-the-box’ fields don’t quite meet the specific reporting requirement you are looking for.  As an example, some form of [...]

Three Tips for Successful, Agile Strategy This Year

By |2022-11-07T12:16:29+13:00January 31st, 2022|Strategy planning|

Three Tips for Successful, Agile Strategy This Year Thomas Edison famously said, “Vision without execution is just hallucination.” Chances are, as the new year gets underway, you’ve got a solid vision for what you want to accomplish within your organization. Whether or not you meet those goals will be determined largely by the actions taken [...]

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