About Craig Catley

Managing Director, StrategyBlocks

Free 30 day trial of our strategic management & planning software

By |2022-11-09T07:05:42+13:00January 8th, 2013|Business technology news, StrategyBlocks|

No credit card or any other commitment required. Simply try StrategyBlocks the online strategic management & planning software free for 30 days to see how it could benefit your strategy plan.

Calculating KPIs (outputs)

By |2022-11-02T09:35:51+13:00April 12th, 2012|Strategy planning|

Creating and maintaining the key metrics of company performance has historically been a complicated process with many of the business solutions available, but StrategyBlocks has aimed to provide a hassle-free approach. In the latest release (2.82), we’ve extended the existing functionality with an engine that allows one or more KPIs to be combined using simple arithmetic.

Introduction To Enterprise Strategic Planning Using Strategy Software

By |2022-11-09T07:38:46+13:00July 9th, 2010|Strategic Management Solutions, Strategy planning, StrategyBlocks, Transformational Strategic Execution|

Whether it is referred to as Enterprise Strategy Management (ESM), Strategic Planning, Hoshin Kanri, or policy deployment, what you are trying to achieve is innovation through the successful execution of strategic thinking. The problem is not coming up with great ideas; the challenge comes from attempting to execute them to achieve the desired objectives.

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