Unlocking Potential: V2MOM an Innovative Framework For Strategic Leadership

    By |2025-02-28T09:10:44+13:00February 27th, 2025|Leadership, Strategy planning|

    Unlocking Potential: V2MOM an Innovative Framework For Strategic Leadership If you’re finding it difficult to align your team around a clear vision, you're not alone. Strategic frameworks can help, but choosing the right one, or blend of, is key. As someone who has always been a fan of theoretical models, I believe they are invaluable [...]

      Your Guide to Strategy Execution: The Top Blogs of 2024

      By |2024-12-17T11:52:19+13:00December 17th, 2024|Leadership, Transformational Strategic Execution|

      Your Guide to Strategy Execution: The Top Blogs of 2024 Looking for practical advice on strategy execution? This curated collection of our most-read 2024 blog posts delivers actionable insights to help you overcome common challenges and achieve your goals. Dive in! Stop Wasting Time and Money on Failing Projects: ⏱️ Are your projects constantly running over [...]

        Why Higher Ed Needs a Strategic Shift

        By |2024-06-26T13:05:23+12:00June 26th, 2024|Higher Education, Leadership, Strategy planning|

        Why Higher Ed Needs a Strategic Shift As far back as 1636, with the founding of Harvard College in Massachusetts, the United States has been a leader in higher education. As Adrian Wooldridge points out in his Bloomberg column, in many respects the US is still considered the global pacemaker for higher ed. After all, [...]

          Building a Winning Team: A Strategic Approach to Hiring

          By |2024-05-29T12:21:25+12:00May 29th, 2024|Leadership|

          Building a Winning Team: A Strategic Approach to Hiring Building the right team is critical to business success, but that doesn’t mean the hiring process is easy. It can be an incredible drain on resources. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the average cost to hire an employee is well over $4000, yet [...]

            Power Position: The Role of the COO in Shaping Company Strategy

            By |2024-04-29T09:14:34+12:00April 29th, 2024|Leadership, Strategy planning|

            Power Position: The Role of the COO in Shaping Company Strategy Like many C-suite positions, the Chief Operating Officer role is evolving. Typically the second-ranking executive in the company, the position was once focused purely on the tactical needs of operations. Today, however, COOs are tasked with everything from improving customer-centricity to managing digital transformation, [...]

              Six Ways to Build Strong Leaders

              By |2024-01-30T13:41:30+13:00January 30th, 2024|Leadership|

              Six Ways to Build Strong Leaders Leadership sets the tone of an organization. Strong leaders are responsible for cultivating company culture, motivating employees and helping to drive meaningful results. Negative or weak leadership leaves its mark too, however. It can lead to poor productivity, decreased innovation and a toxic working environment. The traits of a [...]

                Why the CEO Needs to Make Fewer Decisions

                By |2023-11-23T15:14:19+13:00November 23rd, 2023|Leadership, Strategy planning|

                Why the CEO Needs to Make Fewer Decisions The buck-stops-here mentality of the CEO role is often conflated with the idea that CEOs must have the final say in all decisions across the company. While most leaders know this is an improbable, if not impractical assumption, there still exists a culture within most organizations that [...]

                  Do You Need a Chief Strategy Officer?

                  By |2023-10-26T10:20:21+13:00October 26th, 2023|Leadership, Strategy planning|

                  Do You Need a Chief Strategy Officer? The role of the Chief Strategy Officer can mean different things to different organizations, leading a company to question whether they really need one. Defining strategic business direction has long been the purview of the CEO, alongside the Board, and for this reason, the CSO role can feel [...]

                    How to Create a Happier Workplace Through Effective Work Management

                    By |2023-10-26T10:17:42+13:00October 26th, 2023|Culture, Leadership|

                    How to Create a Happier Workplace Through Effective Work Management Setting the Scene Let me preface this blog post with the statement that I don’t know anything about large-scale construction projects and am not in any way trying to be contentious. However, it is an example of an industry that we can all identify with. [...]

                      Measuring Success: Evaluating Company Strategy With Performance Metrics

                      By |2023-09-28T09:43:35+13:00September 28th, 2023|Leadership, Strategic Portfolio Management, Strategy planning|

                      Measuring Success: Evaluating Company Strategy With Performance Metrics We talk a lot on this blog about how to create a successful strategic plan—after all, companies with clearly defined and documented plans grow 30% faster. But how do you know if your plan is successful? This can often be where strategy falls apart. As a recent [...]

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