Diversity in the Workplace: Overcoming the Analysis Paralysis

    By |2022-11-09T06:49:42+13:00September 12th, 2017|Leadership, Strategy planning|

    Diversity in the Workplace: Overcoming the Analysis Paralysis Corporate diversity is always a hot topic, regardless of industry. As I recently discussed on M&M Global, the creative world took its turn in the hot seat at the annual Cannes Lions conference earlier this summer. A major theme of the event, creatives are well aware of [...]

      Which Game of Thrones Leader Are You? [Spoilers]

      By |2022-11-07T15:31:12+13:00August 30th, 2017|Creative, Leadership|

      Which Game of Thrones Leader Are You? [Spoilers]   The title might be a trick question. After all, real world companies probably shouldn’t use a fantasy world for strategic direction, at least not one where more than 200 characters die in seven seasons. Still, Game of Thrones (GoT) regularly captures millions of viewers. With each [...]

        Spotlight on Strategy: Ford Motor Company

        By |2022-11-04T14:03:16+13:00August 8th, 2017|Leadership|

        Spotlight on Strategy: Ford Motor Company   As part of our ongoing series highlighting smart strategic stories from companies all over the world, this week our Spotlight on Strategy highlights Ford.   Most people would not be surprised if told Ford Motor Company is responsible for one of the greatest business decisions ever made. After [...]

          The Business of Content Strategy

          By |2022-11-07T11:26:15+13:00July 31st, 2017|Leadership, Strategy planning|

          The Business of Content Strategy   Building a successful content strategy is at the center of growth and opportunity. Without compelling content, our stories and messages will not reach our intended audiences. Over recent weeks, we have been hearing a lot about Netflix’s cancellations of two of its original series. This comes on the heels [...]

            Spotlight on Strategy: Johnson & Johnson

            By |2022-11-04T14:09:02+13:00July 19th, 2017|Leadership|

            Spotlight on Strategy: Johnson & Johnson   As part of our ongoing series highlighting smart strategic stories from companies all over the world, this week our Spotlight on Strategy highlights Johnson & Johnson. This year celebrates the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, but even one of technology’s biggest innovations pales in comparison to the 131 [...]

              3 Effective Ways to Expand Your Business

              By |2022-11-01T14:58:19+13:00June 27th, 2017|Leadership|

              3 Effective Ways to Expand Your Business   Building a business is a challenge in itself, so it’s no surprise that some people focus so much on the creation of the business they fail to consider how to properly manage growth. If you find your business is flourishing in its current state, congratulations! But it’s [...]

                How Transparent is Your Strategy?

                By |2022-11-02T15:36:47+13:00June 9th, 2017|Leadership|

                How Transparent is Your Strategy?   When it comes to strategic B2B and B2C relationships, transparency is the key to good public standing and unparalleled loyalty to your brand. Technology allows us to not just be receivers of information, but providers and contributors as well. This amazing development is the reason we have greater access [...]

                  Spotlight on Strategy: Get to Know Craig Catley

                  By |2022-11-04T14:08:15+13:00May 30th, 2017|Leadership|

                  Spotlight on Strategy: Get to Know Craig Catley   At StrategyBlocks we closely follow top business leaders, watching for their leadership styles, best practices and how they lead/steer their companies to success. Until now, however, we have not profiled one of our most inspiring leaders, our very own Managing Director, Craig Catley. Craig has recently [...]

                    Perhaps The Greatest Strategic Business Decisions of all Time

                    By |2022-11-04T09:59:01+13:00May 18th, 2017|Leadership, Strategy planning|

                    Perhaps The Greatest Strategic Business Decisions of all Time   Apple is renowned as a leader of innovation that embodies design, style and ease of use, but the company was not always viewed in such glowing terms. In fact, in the late 90’s Apple was on the brink of a buyout or at risk of [...]

                      The Need for Strategic Change in Mobile Financial Services

                      By |2022-11-07T11:56:54+13:00April 26th, 2017|Business technology news, Leadership|

                      The Need for Strategic Change in Mobile Financial Services   In a recent Global Banking & Finance article, we discussed the mobile revolution in financial services and the need to be strategic and plan for the future. Banking is becoming increasingly digital, with mobile at the heart of the experience. According to Forrester, “mobile banking [...]

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