What challenges come with managing a global corporate strategy?
Companies that operate at an international level need to factor in these variations when they plan and implement company strategies.
Companies that operate at an international level need to factor in these variations when they plan and implement company strategies.
Developing an internal communications strategy is essential for any company to properly implement different projects across the organisation.
Measuring the ongoing health of your company initiatives is an important consideration, especially when it comes to understanding strategic risks.
Many businesses are struggling with digital technology, especially around their internal processes, according to a survey from PwC.
Companies are increasingly aware of strategic risks and taking steps to ensure that these do not have a significant impact on the implementation of strategy.
Strategy execution is just as important as planning. But, with a few key processes, this process can run smoothly and effectively.
A recent survey from PwC has found that investors prefer companies that can demonstrate a clear link between strategy, the business model and specific KPIs.
Companies are increasingly investing in digital processes in order to overcome bottlenecks and issues with document replication common among firms.
Senior executives will too often fall into the trap of making quick decisions, rather than effective ones, according to StrategyBlocks' Allen Keyte.
Companies are struggling to get the most from their strategic planning, with many making decisions based on gut instinct rather than data.