Three Strategic Challenges That May Be Holding Your Business Back

By |2023-08-30T15:07:53+12:00August 30th, 2023|Strategy planning, StrategyBlocks|

Three Strategic Challenges That May Be Holding Your Business Back Strategic Communication When we first engage with a business who needs help with their strategy, their top concern is that they don’t have a clear and concise strategy that everyone in the organization understands. Communication is essential for any business, but it is especially important [...]

Get the Most Out of StrategyBlocks with Free Training

By |2023-07-31T11:58:07+12:00July 31st, 2023|StrategyBlocks|

Get the Most Out of StrategyBlocks with Free Training StrategyBlocks is a powerful strategic planning tool that can help businesses of all sizes, across all industries, to develop and execute effective strategies. Like any new tool, it can take time to learn how to use it effectively and set up your optimal strategic plan. StrategyBlocks [...]

Value Stream Management: An Introduction

By |2023-06-29T14:27:26+12:00June 29th, 2023|StrategyBlocks|

Value Stream Management: An Introduction Businesses across industries are facing a new fundamental problem: connecting the work they have committed to deliver with the right goal in the form of a resultant key performance indicator. It goes both ways, too, as there are a near infinite combination of data points to measure and many possible [...]

StrategyBlocks Feature Focus – New Dashboard Object Padding & Progress Bar Colors

By |2023-06-28T15:03:52+12:00June 28th, 2023|New Features, StrategyBlocks|

StrategyBlocks Feature Focus – New Dashboard Object Padding & Progress Bar Colors Dashboard Object Padding Having a snap-to-grid option for laying out the objects on your dashboards is very helpful, you can arrange everything to line up quickly, easily, and perfectly. However, there are those occasions when you just need to nudge an object ever [...]

StrategyBlocks Feature Focus – User Abilities

By |2023-05-31T13:41:53+12:00May 31st, 2023|New Features, StrategyBlocks|

StrategyBlocks Feature Focus – User Abilities StrategyBlocks User Roles Our approach to user management has always been to keep it simple! From an administration point of view, this meant not having to manage multiple tiers of users, each with a different purpose and a different cost. So, in StrategyBlocks, there are only three different User [...]

StrategyBlocks 6 Takes Home Gold from the 2023 Globee® Awards

By |2023-05-26T09:48:17+12:00May 26th, 2023|Awards, Business technology news, StrategyBlocks|

StrategyBlocks 6 Takes Home Gold from the 2023 Globee® Awards We are incredibly excited that our new platform, StrategyBlocks 6, was honored by the prestigious Globee® Awards for Information Technology. StrategyBlocks 6 received Gold distinction in the Strategic Corporate Performance Management Solutions category, recognized for driving innovation in the field of strategic management. StrategyBlocks 6 [...]

Strategic Ideation Top Trumps: The Comparison Concept for Better Strategy

By |2023-05-17T08:50:23+12:00April 28th, 2023|Ideation, StrategyBlocks|

Strategic Ideation Top Trumps: The Comparison Concept for Better Strategy The Comparison Concept I still remember clearly, all those (many) years ago, sitting in a circle with my friends in the school playground playing a card game called Super Trumps (more widely known in other parts as Top Trumps). It was a simple concept: the [...]

Introducing StrategyBlocks 6, Strategic Planning for the Modern Organization

By |2023-05-17T08:51:11+12:00April 28th, 2023|Business technology news, Ideation, StrategyBlocks|

Introducing StrategyBlocks 6, Strategic Planning for the Modern Organization Strategy planning and execution have never been easy for organizations. The statistics can be disheartening—anywhere from 60-90% of strategic plans fail. There is a myriad of reasons—everything from a poorly designed plan, lack of ownership in the process, failure to properly communicate, not having enough resources [...]

The Four Controls to Harness Organizational Innovation

By |2023-05-17T08:51:49+12:00April 26th, 2023|Ideation, StrategyBlocks|

The Four Controls to Harness Organizational Innovation The emergence of ideation Earlier this month StrategyBlocks 6 was released, it is a significant advancement in strategic execution management. I am excited about this release as it takes one of the components of execution a major step forward, that being innovation management. In the most recent edition [...]

The What, Why and How of Work Management

By |2023-03-30T10:33:59+13:00March 30th, 2023|Strategic Management Solutions, StrategyBlocks|

The What, Why and How of Work Management We all have things we need to do, jobs fill almost every minute of every day, and those moments when we are doing nothing at all, we are generally still thinking about something. As the late Leslie Nielsen said, "Doing nothing is very hard to do… you [...]

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