Strategic Performance Made Visible with StrategyBlocks 6

We’ve all been there: a strategic plan gets announced with fanfare, but then gets buried under a mountain of emails and outdated information. Progress updates are hard to find, and decision-making feels stuck in the past.

The world moves too fast for static plans and manual reporting.

That’s why we built StrategyBlocks. We understand the frustration of traditional approaches to strategy, and so we designed our platform to be a living system, adapting to the constant flow of data and to provide real-time insights.

See it in action: The City of Avondale is a shining example of how StrategyBlocks can transform strategy management. Their public Strategic Plan Dashboard uses StrategyBlocks to share real-time updates on project delivery directly from their website. This transparency keeps their community informed and engaged, giving them a clear picture of progress on important initiatives.

Every day there are opportunities to focus more attention on events, situations, or activities that make a disproportionately positive contribution to a strategy. By identifying the initiatives that matter, breaking them down to the task level and collaborating with the right people, goals can be achieved as shown by Avondale. 

To illustrate how StrategyBlocks 6 enhances strategic management, let’s delve into the concept of the tree rollup and its benefits:

  • Strategy Tree: StrategyBlocks uses a hierarchical, tree-like structure that spans the entire organization, allowing for a clear and comprehensive view of strategic initiatives at all levels.
  • Real-Time Data Updates: Employees can input real-time data updates from the front lines, ensuring that the most current information is always available.
  • Instant Rollup: The strategy tree allows for automatic aggregation of data, providing instant rollup for management reporting. This means that updates from the ground level are immediately reflected at higher levels, ensuring that leadership always has a clear and up-to-date view of progress.
  • Dynamic Dashboards: These real-time updates feed directly into live dashboards, offering immediate insights, keeping everyone informed for effective decision-making. Dashboards can be customized to highlight key metrics (KPIs) and critical initiatives.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: The platform facilitates collaboration by allowing teams to break down initiatives into tasks and assign them to the right people, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards shared organizational goals.
  • Transparency and Engagement: By making strategic performance visible through public dashboards, organizations can increase transparency and engagement both internally and with the broader community.

Ready to make your strategy visible?

Strategy management is now an ongoing, active component of a business’ everyday operations — and with this increase in strategic work comes a need for centralized information and tasks, effective communication, project management, and a simplified way to generate reports as and when they are needed. 

Ready to see the difference for yourself? Schedule a demo today and see how StrategyBlocks can revolutionize your organization’s approach to strategic management.