Strategy needed for marketing plans
A new survey of content marketers in the United Kingdom has revealed that while many of them are confident about their abilities, being able to create and deploy an effective strategy is an area that may still need work.
According to a newly-published report from the Content Marketing Institute, only 42 per cent of UK content marketers have a dedicated strategy this process. This compares to 43 per cent of American content marketers and 52 per cent in Australia.
Ten per cent of UK content marketers were unsure as to whether they had a content strategy at all, and British companies were found to be slightly less likely to employ someone to oversee their content marketing efforts than their American and Australian counterparts.
Some 28 per cent of UK content marketers also find managing their data to be a challenge, noting that they have trouble coming up with a way to measure the effectiveness of their content.
The survey’s findings underscore the importance of deploying the right strategy management solutions, which could help guide decisionmaking and ensure that campaigns are measurable, targeted and effective.
However, UK content marketers also ranked themselves as the most confident in terms of ability. 48 per cent ranked themselves as effective, compared with 41 per cent in America and 33 per cent in Australia.
For survey respondents in all three countries, brand awareness was cited as the top goal behind their content marketing efforts, above engagement and thought leadership.
Effective business strategies start with the right data, which is where StrategyBlocks can help. Our software solutions can help you make smart decisions about strategic planning by displaying consistent, relevant information in a way that is easy to understand.
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