Update the Progress of a Block
This page is for helping the user update the progress of a leaf block via the block progress page. A leaf block, is a block at the bottom of a branch with no blocks beneath it. These blocks should represent low-level pieces of work, whose progress will cascade up through the rest of your strategy tree. You can also quick update progress, learn more about that on the Quick Update Your Block page.
Note: you can only update blocks you are the owner of.
Click on the cog on a leaf block
To update progress, click on the cog icon on a leaf blocks.

Click on Progress in the side menu
Clicking on the cog will update the side menu with block options. Click on “Progress” to open the progress menu.

Update Progress
From this screen you can view the overview and history of this block, and update its progress. Either: use the + and – buttons to increase or decrease the Current Progress percentage, or type a percentage figure in the box. Then write a comment that describes the update, and then click Update.

Update Progress with a Milestone
If the leaf block is being tracked with milestones, instead of a progress bar here you will be able to update the completed milestones of a block. Simply click on the switch buttons next to each milestone to confirm they are complete, then click save. The block progress will be updated to the percentage of completed milestones.